Geneva 2010: day 2 of intense working sessions

World Congress

on 25 February 2010

After an opening ceremony marked by the presence of numerous international political leaders, participants to the World Congress have been meeting at the Geneva International Conference Centre.
Behind the colourful stands manned by abolitionist organizations from around the world in the entrance hall, the quiet corridors of the conference centre are humming with discussions between activists and announcements for the numerous thematic meetings scheduled during the Congress, covering subjects ranging from the design of campaigning strategies to discrimination in the administration of the death penalty.
Following Wednesday night’s touching performance of the play based on Victor Hugo’s novel The Last day of a Condemned Man, the Congress’s cultural programme continues to evolve and includes photographic and cartoons exhibitions as well as an artistic installation representing a grim electric chair.
Singer Emily Loizeau will take part in an exceptional event this evening, when her songs will alternate with testimonies from victims of the death penalty.

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